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MassiveMusic and Media.Monks Invite the Industry to Embrace the Current State of AI Awkwardness at Cannes

‘ProMMMMpt’, this year’s party theme, is an invitation to push the boundaries of creativity through AI

MassiveMusic and Media.Monks return for their infamous annual party at the 2023 Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity. ‘ProMMMMpt’, this year’s party theme, is an invitation for the advertising class of 2023 to create impactful work that wows the crowds and awes the squads by leveraging the current state of AI awkwardness. 

The concept, a double nod to AI prompts and prom night, also hints at the long-lasting collaboration between MassiveMusic and Media.Monks. To capture the blend of futuristic excitement and nostalgic charm, the two companies have decided to inform and remind the creative, advertising and branding industries of the possibilities of Generative AI, “which, I’m afraid, wasn’t used to generate the main copy of what you’re currently reading”, says the Copywriter behind this press release. ‘ProMMMMpt’ is an encouragement to ride the AI wave by unlocking previously unimaginable solutions while carving out more time to think creatively. 

Through an immersive experience, the invitees are asked out on a prom date through a so-called ‘promptposal’, with AI-generated familiar faces introducing the concept. Although the tickets are invite-only, is open to the public as an extension of the theme. The ultimate goal is to let everyone step into AI wonderland while avoiding an AIpocalypse. 

“After all, we don’t want to surrender all of our Cannes aspirations to AI, turning the festival (and this party) into a soulless robot takeover where creativity becomes a mere algorithm,” says Hans Brouwer, founder of MassiveMusic. “Our aim is to provoke and motivate the advertising class of 2023 to boldly embrace the new AI frontier while also recognising the crucial role of the human touch in achieving authentic connection,” he continues. “We couldn't host the party at the usual location, and yet we were met with a fortuitous twist of fate. In this era of AI, where innovation abounds and tech companies are more present than ever, we serendipitously stumbled upon an extraordinary hidden gem: Croisette Beach! It provides the perfect backdrop for our celebration, offering an extraordinary opportunity to create cherished memories on Cannes' captivating night shore, with a unique and beautiful combination of creative and tech that may carry a hint of delightful awkwardness. With limited tickets available, it adds an extra touch of exclusivity to our renowned party.” 

Victor Knaap, co-founder and CEO EMEA of Media.Monks and executive board member at S4Capital, adds: “The claim could easily be: ‘ProMMMMpt’, where people and pixels intertwine. As Missy Elliott would say, we’ll flip it and reverse it – and turn media into medai. We’ll snap classic prom-style photos while using some crazy AI magic to turn them into surreal and mind-bending images that will be displayed on a big screen. We'll also post the results in a digital yearbook, complete with some MMMM branding. By choosing to embrace the current state of AI madness, we’re not only acknowledging the rapid advancements in technology, but also emphasising the importance of human intuition in shaping the future of branding and advertising. One thing is certain: from AI to HI, it's going to be one hell of an unforgettable night.”

Since 2000, MassiveMusic, a company by Songtradr, has been hosting legendary parties which have earned a reputation as the must-attend events of Cannes Lions. Over the last decade, Media.Monks has joined the picture to take the annual party to even greater heights, all without needing to consult ChatGPT for a list of potential themes.

A soirĂŠe so exclusive, the two companies swear “it's like sipping a glass of rosĂŠ, enveloped in a swirl of pure stupendousness' '. ‘ProMMMMpt’ opens its doors to IRL attendees on 21st June 2023, 21:00, at Croisette Beach, Cannes. 

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