Meet Amy, Tokyo’s new Project Manager. She previously worked as Head of International Artist Relations at local online radio owned by legendary J-pop producer Taku Takahashi, where she booked and interviewed over 100 artists, curated radio shows and produced events. With almost seven years of experience in the music industry, Amy shares some of her highlights from the past few years as well as her goals for MassiveMusic.
Amy> I’ve made it a habit to wake up early. This gives me time to organise the day as well as enjoy my coffee.
Amy> My dad was a musician and even now there’s a corner in our house with all of his synthesisers. I vividly remember ‘Rydeen’ by Yellow Magic Orchestra playing at home. I think that what he used to play subtly influenced me.
Amy> I happened to be babysitting for my previous boss who is a legendary producer in Japan. If you have the chance, please check out his group . Around the time when we had to start internships during university, I asked him if he had any available positions for me at Working there really deepened my interest in music.
Amy> I was at my previous job for about seven years (including my internship) and felt like I needed a new challenge. That's when my dear friend Sayaka introduced me to the company! Very grateful to have her guide me through this industry that’s new to me.
Amy> It was a small company so I did a little bit of everything, but my two main roles saw me working as head of international relations and social media director. Some of my biggest projects include producing and creative directing and writing the interviews for the official IGTV series. I also had the chance to host , my own radio show, where I introduced tracks I was listening to and invited my friends for a chat!
Amy> Thank you! There are so many that it’s really hard to choose… having my own radio show was really fun because I got a chance to interview some of my really talented friends. On top of that, Baths, JIIN, Holodec, and Nosaj Thing were guests on the show and they are all artists I loved from before, so that was surreal. I also loved doing the CHATROOM series as the interviews were set to be funny and I was always laughing during the recordings. All of the interviews were great, but if I had to choose a few favourites it would be the episodes with and CHVRCHES’ .
Japanese version
MassiveMusic 東京のプロジェクトマネージャーである米国カリフォルニア州出身の米本エイミー氏は、伝説的なJ-POPプロデューサーである☆Taku Takahashi氏が主宰するインターネットラジオ局にて、約7年間国際的なアーティストリレーションの責任者を務めていました。100人以上のアーティストのブッキングやインタビューを行い、ラジオ番組のキュレーションやイベントのプロデュースを手がけた実績を持つ彼女が、私たちのミリオンダラー?クエスチョンにどのように答えてくれたのか、読み進めてみましょう。お気に入りのコーヒーの準備はできましたか?
ありがとう!多くて絞るのが難しいけど... 友達を何人かインタビューできて、自分のラジオ番組を務めるのは結構楽しかった。みんな才能ありすぎて、それについて話し始めるとこのインタビューが終わらない。よかったみんなの活動をチェックしてください。その上に、前から大好きだったBaths、 JIIN、HolodecとNosaj Thing??もゲストに呼べて最高だった。