​New work for ASUS cut by Zhenya 🧟 Click the link in our bio to see more of our work.
​Client: ASUS
​Title: Sacrifice
​Production Company: IBUKI Studios
​Executive Producers: Michael Ren, Renzo Sunga
​Director: Reangsei Phos
​Producer: Andrew Brace
​Producer’s Assistants: Alisa Kisselev, Negin Farhadi, Naheel Ahmed Siddiqui, Muhammad Ibrahim Jalil, Jahna Bird, Raphael Carlo Belza
​1st AD: Daniel Youssefi
​Director of Photography: Julian Lomaga
​1st AC: Mya Fleming
​Gaffer: Daniyal Shah
​Key Grip: Jibin Joseph
​Hair + Make Up Artist: Samantha Christidis
​Sound Mixer: Johnny Chau
​Production Designer: Nicole Simmons
​Editing Facility: School Editing Inc
​Editors: Zhenya Dolzikov, Claire Shafto
​Executive Producer: Sarah Brooks
​Colour Facility: The Vanity
​Colourist: Jordan Benegbi
​Colourist Producer: Kayla Baxter
​Sound Design: Alex Bologna
​Talent: Tom Blumberg, Garrett Mallory Scott​