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Uprising: Why Lucky Generals’ Trinity Taylor Can’t Believe This Is Her Job

The new business and account manager reflects on a crazy career so far, creating a high-fashion IBS line, and a Yorkshire Tea music video, writes ’s Zara Naseer

“I remember getting caught up in the inevitable stress (and beautiful madness) of helping out on a campaign about both fashion and poo. One of my colleagues said to me, “Trin, it’s only advertising.” It sounds basic, I know, but it really helped me realise that while our work is important, enjoying the process is key.”

Lucky Generals’ Trinity Taylor describes her childhood self as an “absolute whirlwind”; by the sounds of it, her path to becoming a new business and account manager has been one too.

With a natural, enthusiastic love for the spotlight – “My parents probably wished I had an off button!” – Trinity was enrolled in drama classes to channel her energy, eventually attending theatre school. She was convinced that she’d end up on a stage or screen. “However, I ended up doing quite well in my GCSEs, so my parents and I made a decision: goodbye ballet shoes, hello A-levels. It was at this point that I started considering other career options.”

Trinity continued to pursue her theatrical passions during sixth form, but realised she didn’t want the pressure of making it her primary source of income. Her enjoyment of English literature took centre stage instead, which she went on to study at university – simultaneously immersing herself in musical theatre and dance societies, and “briefly getting into drum and bass.” After a ‘what now?’ moment as she handed in her dissertation, Trinity applied for “quite literally every job” in the realm of media, marketing, film, and publishing. “After a few weeks of bad luck, I managed to land an internship in July 2022 and became a full-time account executive by October.”

Trinity had successfully made it into the serious world of work. And what did that involve? Creating a high-fashion line for IBS sufferers.

Trinity’s first major project was for Symprove, a water-based probiotic particularly popular among an affluent, middle-aged, female audience. “Our insight centered around how IBS sufferers often struggle to wear certain types of clothing, such as tight dresses or high-waisted jeans, due to their stomach issues. We created a high-fashion line to highlight that they shouldn’t have to go to such lengths to accommodate their condition.” Presenter and model Lisa Snowdon strutted down the catwalk in the ‘No-Bloat Ball Gown,’ ‘Flatulence Frock,’ and ‘Loo Roll Look.’ 

There’s another stand-out moment from this “absolute hoot” of a project that Trinity highlights: “I was tasked by Loz [Horner] (the best strategist around) with compiling a list of synonyms for ‘pooing yourself.’ That was definitely a moment when I looked at myself and thought, ‘What have I got myself into?’ But equally, it was one of those ‘I can’t believe this is my job’ moments.”

Pushing creative boundaries is exactly what Trinity is eager to do more of in future, and she’s developed a fondness for comedy ads. So it’s no surprise that her all-time favourite project so far has been Yorkshire Tea’s ‘Pack Yer Bags’, with director Fred Rowson. 

The brand had approached Lucky Generals with the insight that the nation often brings Yorkshire Tea on holiday, as there’s not much worse than a bad brew abroad.

Naturally, Yorkshire Tea wanted the agency to make a music video about it. 

“Once again, it was one of those ‘I can’t believe this is my job’ moments,” says Trinity. The “cracker of a music video” [editor’s note: I can attest] was widely loved throughout the industry, and picked up three British Arrows, a D&AD Pencil, and a Grand Effie. If you listen carefully, you might hear Trinity’s sneaky feature as a voice-over artist in the track. She even choreographed the final chorus.

While Trinity clearly has bags of energy, some of the most invaluable career advice she was given early on was to slow down – and she’s keen to share that with others who’ve recently made it onto the ladder. “As account people, especially as juniors, speed and efficiency are not only praised but also highly valued. However, being on top of the details is equally important, and sometimes, that means slowing down. I’ll be the first to admit I’ve made my fair share of mistakes over the past couple of years, and honestly, I’d say 90% of them were due to rushing and not taking my time. I’ve been fortunate to work alongside incredible women like Helen Calcraft, Katie Beardsley, Zara Scriven, and Vickie Ridley, whose guidance and example continue to inspire me as I navigate future challenges and opportunities.”

Some of Trinity’s energy has been channeled in the Unsigned Union, launched by BBH to create opportunities and showcases for underrepresented industry talent. Agencies get together to organise events, mentorship schemes, exhibitions, and more, and in 2023, Lucky Generals offered to host. Along with her colleagues and other union reps, Trinity organised a showcase of emerging directors to great success: two of those featured were later signed.

Outside of the industry bubble, Trinity would love to return to her roots and participate in an amateur dramatics musical theatre production; but she’s also found a new hobby. “I’m super into fashion and document most of my outfits on TikTok (@trinityannetaylor… an incredibly shameless plug). There’s a lovely community of UGC fashion influencers in that corner of the internet, and everyone is so supportive. I’d love to continue expanding my account and, in a dream world, collaborate with my favorite brands, particularly smaller businesses.” Maybe Trinity was destined to end up on the screen all along.

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