After capturing the hearts of the nation, sending Raheem 'Back to School with Clarks' in an entertaining Mockumentary inspired by millennial comedy favourites like 'The Office' and 'People Just Do Nothing'; Playmaker Films has been awarded Best Social Film at The Drum Awards 2023.
Through the lense of Carly Cussen, the film artfully brought a lighthearted, energetic atmosphere and most importantly massive awareness to Clarks and their latest range of school shoes, with over 27 million total views across social. This award recognises the strength of the Playmakers’ utilising their craft as a force for entertainment. In an era where connectivity through social media often overshadows genuine human connection, Raheem going back to school with Clarks, managed to bridge the gap by relating to both the kids of gen z and millennial parents.
Once the Drum shaped award was raised, it symbolised more than just an industry acknowledgement. It embodied the hard work and determination of the Playmaker’s, with being less than a year launched the success of Best Social Film is a representation of the future at Playmaker Films.
Carly has since expressed gratitude for the collaborative efforts that bought sending Raheem 'Back to School with Clarks' to life. The journey from concept and scriptwriting to production and casting real students and teachers; it was a commitment to using storytelling as a catalyst for outstanding, entertaining content.
As the night drew to a close on the Social Media Awards, Playmaker Films wait eagerly for the remaining results on Best Creative Content and Best Client Partnership with Clarks at The Drum Awards in the following week to come.
Read more and watch the ‘Back to School’ campaign