High Five in association with

High Five: Hungary

Chief creative officer and founding partner at White Rabbit Budapest, Levente Kovacs, chooses five pieces of Hungarian work that showcase the country's urge to take a stand

I've always believed in the old adage 'character is action'. What you do and how you do it says a lot about your character. It shows who you are and what you stand for. Creativity is a subtle yet expressive way to show your personality and let others know what matters to you. However, it's also a powerful tool to show the world from a different perspective, to make people stop and think for a moment, and even encourage them to take a stand and show their characters in action as well. So, this is the point of my selection. I've picked some cool ideas from Hungary that really stand for something, and urge you to take a stand, too...

Budapest Pride x Háttér Society - 'Empty Valentine's Table'

Agency: Wavemaker Hungary

Translation of table note:
"Gabriel and Peter prefer to celebrate Valentine’s Day in seclusion. In Hungary today, there are tens of thousands of couples in love who dare not sit in a restaurant, hold hands or kiss in public. This table is empty for them today, as we would have loved to have them here! Let’s change the situation! Because Valentine’s Day is Valentine’s Day."

My first choice is a bold provocative project that aimed to raise awareness around the isolation of the LGBTQ+ community of Hungary. The idea is simple - empty tables were laid in popular restaurants with a note and a rainbow-coloured candle to symbolise the absence of same-sex couples who are too afraid to celebrate Valentine's Day in public. The campaign as a social activation supports diversity, equity and inclusion, and these are much-needed virtues in our lives. 'Empty Valentine's Table' sparked some conversation about the topic, and in that sense was a positive force that helped to shape our culture.

Adote - 'Type Donation'

Agency: White Rabbit Budapest x by the Network
Production: Square Pixel
Music: Fuzzr Audio

Did you know that a person can save up to eight lives if he chooses to donate his organs? Okay, it's a lesser known fact, I didn't know it either. Donortype has been created to raise awareness about it and draw attention to the life-saving importance of organ donation. Eight different fonts - representing eight human organs - were combined artistically to symbolise all the survivors whose lives were saved by the organ donation of others. I love the simplicity of the idea, and it's also a perfectly crafted, visually pleasing typeface, supporting an important purpose. More powerful than words can say.

Jurányi Theatre - 'Theatre To Go'

Agency: DDB Budapest

I love theatre and the magical world of the stage, so the next piece is pretty close to me, obviously. In our post-Covid 'new normal' life, DDB Budapest has re-imagined the form of entertainment in cooperation with Hungary's most progressive theatre company. Together, they created 20 spots around the city of Budapest that served as virtual theatres, where people could listen to their special tailor-made audio to the actual environment of the spots. It's a unique 'stageless' theatre experience that stands for both culture and entertainment.

Museum of Ethnography - New Visual Identity

Agency: DE_FORM x Explicit studio

We Hungarians have a rich and colourful folk tradition: arts, craft, song and music, custom and other folklore elements. And since I was an ardent folk-dancer myself, visiting the Museum of Ethnography was our natural form of entertainment before the age of digital. Anyway, this museum celebrates its 150th anniversary this year, and for the occasion, it's moving to a new building this spring. The new building marks a new era and also has brought a new visual identity for the museum. It offers a pretty cool and progressive visual world that 'connects the past with the future'. It looks Hungarian yet feels universal at the same time. It's ground-breaking and brave work...reassuringly brave!

Architects - 'Meteor'

Production: Umbrella
Director: Jeb Hardwick

We're living in dark times. My last choice is a powerful, minimalist music video from last year. However, I feel it's even more telling and adequate in these days of insanity, sadly. It depicts a sinister dystopian future in an expressive, emotionally stirring and visually gripping way. But beyond the apocalyptic vision, it also sounds as warning cry for all of us. Yes, it's time to re-think our thoughts, our actions, our lives. Not just for ourselves, but for the future generations, for our kids as well. It's sobering, but I hope it's not too late.

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