As part of Publicis Groupe Central & Eastern Europe (CEE)’s 'Embrace Gender Equity' initiative that was launched during this year’s International Women’s Day on March 8th, the company created a special series 'Publicis Groupe CEE Lioness' designed to showcase and spotlight its many female talent and leaders across the CEE region, celebrating their experiences and important roles they play within the company. Get to know the Publicis Groupe CEE Lionesses through their stories in this series.
Artemis> I’m more of a data person rather than a people one. I got my start in 'com & ben' (compensation and benefits) and stayed in that function for many years. However, as I have a thing for fairness and always have this urge to make things straight and better, I grabbed a great opportunity seven years ago, albeit with much reluctance and fear, and joined the talent community. It was hard, but the harder it got, the more eager I became to succeed.
Artemis> Over the years, whenever I leave a company, and when colleagues or line managers were sad to see me go, I'm most grateful as I have been lucky (many times over) to have built real personal connection alongside professional relationships with colleagues.
On my Publicis Groupe Greece journey, we have also just gained our 4th consecutive Great Place to Work certification this year. A feat that is 100% team effort and certainly one which the team and I are incredibly proud of as it is a reflection directly from our colleagues that we are ok, we are doing something right…
Artemis> This happened when I was working in com & ben. I made a major mistake, which affected around 100 people. I was fortunate enough to be supported by my employer, focusing on the solution and not the problem. I faced the complains and frustration of the affected people with honesty and humility; and I can say I have been forgiven, in most of the cases at least.
Artemis> Î’e restless and challenge status quo, read the audience, listen, work hard (not necessarily long hours, but with consistency, passion, feedback and self-reflection), and identify people to be inspired by.
Artemis> Speak your mind, arm yourself with confidence, knowledge, and empathy.