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5 Questions with Publicis Groupe CEE Lioness: Alexandra Dimitriu

Alexandra Dimitriu, chief media officer, Publicis Groupe Romania, shares her deep passion for the business, the power of a connected team, the importance of being both a learner and a teacher and more

As part of Publicis Groupe Central & Eastern Europe (CEE)’s 'Embrace Gender Equity' initiative that was launched during this year’s International Women’s Day on March 8th, the company created a special series 'Publicis Groupe CEE Lioness' designed to showcase and spotlight its many female talent and leaders across the CEE region, celebrating their experiences and important roles they play within the company. Get to know the Publicis Groupe CEE Lionesses through their stories in this series.

1. Can you share your story with us, how have you gotten to where you are today in your profession?

Alexandra> I have a rather atypical career path for a media professional as I studied foreign languages and started my professional life as translator for a large law firm.

My media career began in March 2004 at Starcom as a media planner for the P&G account. I definitely didn't know what I was getting myself into, but I was ready for a change of pace and a new adventure. And it turned out to be my dream job, one I absolutely adore to this day, almost 20 years after.

In 2006, I took on the position of account director, overseeing the P&G account for Romania as well as seven other countries in the region. Soon after, I took over the Kraft account, another significant client of the agency and at the end of 2011, I was offered the position of managing director of the agency, a position I held for a little more than seven years.

In 2019, a new challenge presented itself and I was promoted to the position of chief media officer for Publicis Groupe Romania, coordinating the activities of all three media agencies. I am still incredibly happy and grateful for this amazing journey within an organization I always called


2. What has been your most memorable experience in your career so far?

Alexandra> The industry and Publicis Groupe have provided me with countless opportunities for growth and professional development. It's hard to pick just one experience that stands out above the rest as I was fortunate enough -over the course of almost 20 years here- to be a part of amazing pitch presentations, incredible award wins and numerous clients’ recognitions.

But I will always hold close to my heart the memory of that one evening, a few years after becoming the managing director of Starcom, when my team and I were working together late into the night on a big pitch presentation.

Despite the long hours and sustained effort, there was a palpable buzz in the air. Seeing my colleagues laughing, enjoying each other’s company, relying on each other, trusting each other, empowering each other, was one of the most heart warming experiences as a manager and one I keep close to my heart which still puts a smile on my face. And we did end up winning that pitch - which was the cherry on top of an experience that was already wonderful!

Over the past three years, I've been immensely fortunate to have that feeling repeated threefold as I work alongside an even bigger and more diverse team encompassing all three agency brands. Respecting and acknowledging each teams’ particular strengths and unique qualities, while also weaving a very delicate thread of unity across the 100+ beautiful minds I get to proudly call my colleagues, is probably one of the most rewarding experiences in my career. The fact that on the backbone of this amazing extended team, I could contribute to the shaping and embodiment of the 'Power of One' proposition is definitely one of my pride and joys.

3. Similarly, what was the most challenging moment and how did you overcome it?

Alexandra> 2020 was a rollercoaster ride for everyone in the industry and beyond, with its own set of ups and downs that make it a story worth telling. At the beginning of the pandemic, we faced uncertainty, fear, and countless phone calls and emails. But we quickly regrouped and developed a coherent plan, based on three main pillars: people and emotions, products and clients, and operations and way of working.

Our priority was to address the emotional needs of our team during this challenging time. Together with the Talent and HR team, our management team went the extra mile to provide emotional support to our colleagues. From coaching and mentoring programs to training and learning opportunities, we launched initiatives that encouraged and promoted talent and passion. We also launched projects that promoted a better work-life balance and conducted regular surveys to keep a pulse on the team's emotional state. We sent traditional Easter cakes and Christmas trees to everyone's homes, organised Zoom parties, and offered additional days off. Our program, The Power of Us, has become a trademark of the company and has been well-received.

We quickly pivoted to address the needs of our clients during this time. In less than a week after the state of emergency was declared, we launched a unique product that we were particularly proud of. The Strategic Daily Bulletin was born out of our clients' need for daily updates on the epidemiological situation, positive news, trends across various sectors, financial information, and inspirational articles. One of the sections of the report was dedicated to consumer behaviour and emotional state, which were continuously changing since the beginning of the pandemic. The bulletin was updated daily for several months and eventually transitioned to a weekly format called the Weekly Strategic Bulletin, reaching hundreds of inboxes every Friday afternoon.

On the operations and way of working front, this crisis confirmed that the massive digitalisation initiatives started in 2019 in Publicis Groupe Romania were necessary and fruitful. From day one, we worked perfectly, uninterrupted, and without any hiccups. We only missed the sound of laughter during brainstorming meetings, when a colleague would come up with an irresistible joke.

Things we started or accelerated during 2020 gave us an upper hand and a competitive advantage that still deliver today and definitely represent the foundation of what I like to call the future facing agency that we are building here.

4. What are your most important tips on achieving success?

Alexandra> I was once asked what success meant to me, and I replied, 'Waking up every morning with joy, the joy of new challenges and opportunities.' This simple definition has been my guiding principle, and it is a reminder that passion and fulfilment are the key ingredients for success.

So, my number one tip for achieving success is to make sure you are truly passionate about what you do. Take the time to reflect and ask yourself if your heart is in your job. If it is, you are more likely to be motivated and dedicated to your work. You will be more willing to take on new challenges, grow, and thrive in your industry.

Passion and commitment are contagious, and they can inspire others to be their best. So, don't be afraid to share your enthusiasm with your colleagues, clients, and partners. This positive energy can help you build strong relationships, and it can open doors to new opportunities.

Find your passion, pursue it with joy and commitment, and success will follow.

5. What are your tips for younger female talent embarking on the journey you’re already on?

Alexandra> Firstly, paint a true picture of yourself - assess yourself honestly, find your strengths and weakness and own them. Be proud of what you do well, develop, grow, and nurture your qualities, and at the same time seek advice, mentorship, and guidance for areas you could improve. Being true to myself and ‘owning’ myself is probably the best piece of advice I received in my young age. Authenticity and integrity to oneself are probably the best recipes for growing and thriving in any profession.

Secondly, be a learner and a teacher. Take and give, in equal amounts. A leader learns and a leader teaches. I read this phrase somewhere and remembered it because it summarises, in a few words, an essential quality of a leader: the continuous desire for self-improvement, to be better, combined with the gift of 'passing it on.'

Thirdly, be a positive force: As a female talent in advertising, you have the power to inspire and empower others. Be a positive force in your workplace. Do not underestimate the power of a smile or an honest encouragement.

Additionally, I would say, have empathy and a keen sense of the reality surrounding you. Be honest and assume responsibility, especially in difficult situations. Acknowledge the responsibility that comes with any position, be it entry level or C-level, be consistent in action and decision-making. Be flexible and embrace change.

Finally, don't forget to live your life to the fullest. Travel, build meaningful relationships, make memories, laugh, cry, and even get a little drunk occasionally. Experiences outside of work enrich and deepen our professional lives, making us more well-rounded and interesting individuals.

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